
League session ending Saturday 31 March 2018
Elo Rankings | Performances | Standings | Tables
Division 1
Name A B C D E
New player Liam Gutcher A X
New player Alex Cahill B X
New player Michael Mckay C X
New player Matthew Setterfield D X
New player Matthew Morton E X
Division 2
Name A B C D E
New player Dave Daly A X
New player Chris Wiggins B X
New player Harry Little C X
New player Martin Jolley D X
New player Matt Barton E X
Division 3
Name A B C D E
New player Ryan Doran A X
New player Robert Finch B X
New player Alistair Geear C X
New player Oliver Walls D X
New player Rory Duncan E X
Division 4
Name A B C D E
New player Samuel Austin A X
New player Ethan Gren B X
New player Charlotte Cooper C X
New player James Lees D X
New player Calum Harvey E X
Division 5
Name A B C D E
New player Gary Lemmon A X
New player Arjun Mistry B X
New player Callum Joyce C X
New player Harry Mckelvey D X
New player Alexander Lea E X
Division 6
Name A B C D E
New player Julia Crowther A X
New player Richard Derry B X
New player Elliott Sexton C X
New player Katherine Wilkins D X
New player Tilly Humphreys E X
Division 7
Name A B C D E
New player Iona Jardine A X 5
New player Lucy Precious B X
New player Murray Wankling C X
New player Otto Terrell D X
New player Sally Hodgkinson E 2 X
Division 8
Name A B C D E
New player Elena Floto A X
New player Rory Montgomery B X
New player Flora Mockridge C X
New player Esme Murphy D X
New player Beatrice Straker E X
Session Top Players

Highest scoring players (so far this session) - points per match averaged over all games available.
(Excludes walkovers)

Last Session's Top Players

Highest scoring players - points per match averaged over all games available.
(Excludes walkovers)

Previous Sessions

You can view the Tables, Final Standings, and Performances for each of the previous league sessions:

End Date Views
18 Feb 2018 View league Standings Performances Elo Ratings
17 Dec 2017 View league Standings Performances Elo Ratings
No more sessions