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Clive Lucas

Squash Court Fees 2015/2016

Clive Lucas - Tue 21 Apr 2015

As from 1st May Peak time courts will be £5 per 40 minutes and off peak courts £4 per 40 minutes...

Further discussions with the Executive/Finance Committee of Northern Football Club regarding court fees have taken place. It has been agreed to increase the squash court fees from 1st May 2015. This increase recognises the increased energy costs since the last court increase at the commencement of the 2012/13 squash year.

As from 1st May Peak time courts will be £5 per 40 minutes and off peak courts £4 per 40 minutes.

The new court costs will remain in place for a minimum of two years and continue to be the cheapest in the area. The Wazygoose system will be adjusted accordingly.

(It is worth noting that squash costs/fees are were not discussed in isolation but as part of the whole operating costs/income streams of Northern Football Club)

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