
League session ending Monday 23 March 2020
Elo Rankings | Performances | Standings | Tables

Below is the final standing of this session of the league. This is calculated based on the results of the matches.

Division 1
Name Played Won Drawn Lost Points Bonus Total
Division 2
Name Played Won Drawn Lost Points Bonus Total
Division 3
Name Played Won Drawn Lost Points Bonus Total
Division 4
Name Played Won Drawn Lost Points Bonus Total
Division 5
Name Played Won Drawn Lost Points Bonus Total
Division 6
Name Played Won Drawn Lost Points Bonus Total
Division 7
Name Played Won Drawn Lost Points Bonus Total
Division 8
Name Played Won Drawn Lost Points Bonus Total
Division 9
Name Played Won Drawn Lost Points Bonus Total
Division 10
Name Played Won Drawn Lost Points Bonus Total
Division 11
Name Played Won Drawn Lost Points Bonus Total
Division 12
Name Played Won Drawn Lost Points Bonus Total
Division 13
Name Played Won Drawn Lost Points Bonus Total